avings, which is why they decide to enter into secret transactions with unverified sellers who do not have a good reputation. We think the price is so tempting that you can risk transactions with such people, turning a blind eye to their not very good grades. But such things are worth forgetting. Especially if the workshop has had a good reputation so far. Bad and misplaced purchases when it comes to vehicle parts can cause the garage's assessment to suffer, and thus - customers will start to leave. American cars are really valuable and it is worth remembering if someone wants to repair them. Especially if you don't have the professional experience of mechanics.
Driving comfort and reliability are important
American cars are conquering the global market. Parts for US cars are generally available, which is why many Ludi decide to buy US cars. We like huge, comfortable cars, and American cars are famous for being very often huge and very comfortable. Very often, when buying a car, we pay attention to the availability of car parts. Parts for cars from the USA are often very cheap and can be bought both in stationary stores and online. We often wonder if American cars are safe on the roads. American cars often have an incredible amount of passenger safety accessories in great amount. Americans are famous for the fact that they like to have huge cars that they drive on their huge, very wide roads. Driving comfort and car reliability are important, therefore American cars are also famous for their low failure rate, and if there is a failure, the availability of American car parts is very large and is not a problem.
These aspects may outweigh this
Nowadays, in the era when we have such a large selection of cars on the European market, is it profitable for car repair shops and consumers to import American cars in order to disassemble them later or try to use them to remake their own vehicle?
The answer to that question should be it depends.
The vast majority of vehicles imported from the USA have a very rich equipment, richer than can be found in their European counterparts. Moreover, they are mostly cars that are several years old and in good condition. These aspects may outweigh the fact that a vehicle from overseas is an interesting and often cheaper alternative than the domestic market to obtain a car or spare parts for it.
On the other hand, if we acquire cars, car parts from abroad, we should include customs duties or transport costs in the final price, which may significantly affect the final costs.
Certainly, if we are fans of typically American brands such as Ford, Chrysler, Dodge or Chevrolet, it is worth investing in parts for US cars.
Parts are also less and less problem
American cars undoubtedly stand out. They are a real eye-catcher in parking lots and streets. They are large, comfortable and, above all, completely different from the European ones.
They primarily fascinate people who want to have an unusual, eye-catching and comfortable car. A large car provides space that makes traveling much more comfortable. In addition, American cars also have favorable prices due to low or no VAT and excise duties in the US. Of course, if you want to import a car, you have to bear the costs of transport (which are not at all low and range from 300 to 1000 dollars), customs, translation of documents and customs clearance. However, these costs do not discourage some enthusiasts.
Parts for US cars are also becoming less and less of a problem. Many companies sell these types of parts or offer to import them from America. Before buying, however, it is worth checking the availability in Poland of parts for the model we have chosen to avoid disappointment when our car needs service.